Saturday, June 9, 2007

mommy's day off

I got her to take two naps yesterday and consequently, she woke up at 5:30 today. Do I really have to trade a one nap day for a day when she wakes up on hour earlier?

So, today is Saturday and I woke up with Ella and spent the three hours before her first nap playing with her, feeding her, etc. Now, at 9am, her father has woken up and will take care of her for a majority of the rest of the day because it is "Mommy's day off"! I plan to attend my Weight Watcher's meeting (even though I haven't actually followed the plan for almost 2 months now), take myself out to lunch, do a little shopping, and go see a movie. I will be gone from the house from 9:30am until about 4pm. I will miss her the whole time, but I will also feel good about getting to do some of the things I love for awhile without having to worry about feeding schedules, etc. PLUS, she gets some quality daddy time which, I admit, doesn't happen much when I am around because I am so used to being the only one taking care of her that I don't automatically think to let him take over when I am home.

Holy crap! I can't believe it! She fell asleep with no fussing or anything! I tend to write the blog while I am waiting for her to fall asleep, or after she is already asleep. She has been completely quiet since I was about halfway done the above paragraph. This is a big improvement over yesterday when it took me over an hour to get her to take a first nap (there was some vomiting and sheet changing involved in yesterday's debaucle). You know, it figures that she would be less stress than normal on a day when Matt is taking care of her. I can hear it now, "I don't know why you seem so stressed a lot of the time, she was a breeze for me today." Humph!

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