Friday, June 29, 2007

Ella update

OK, after talking to the pediatrician, a good friend who lives in NH, and my husband, I decided to call the county and get an appointment for Ella to be "assessed". What this means is that the county's early intervention program will send out a nurse to evaluate Ella and see if she is lagging behind in some/all areas of development. Then, hopefully, she will give me some exercises to do with Ella to help her get the hang of some things that she can't do yet, and they will follow up to see how she is progressing.

I had been very anxious on this subject but I am feeling much better now. I think that the idea that something could be done but wasn't being done was what was making me feel so upset. I am glad that I have taken this step and I am feeling fairly confident that any issues Ella has will be resolved in time. In other words, I am fairly confident/hopeful that she is simply taking things at her own pace and not that there is anything "wrong" with her (autism, etc.).

I have been taking the advice of my friend in NH, as well as using some of my own common sense. As a result Ella does seem more interested in moving around more and trying new things. She also seems so much more awake and aware.

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