Monday, December 24, 2007

walking update

I mentioned in an earlier post about a game that we play with Ella. We have her walk from parent to parent, holding on to the backs of her elbows for a bit and then letting her go the rest of the way on her own. She has recently gotten much better at this game. She is doing some things that are making her PT very happy.

She will now initiate walking from a complete stand still. She does not need to be pulled, pushed, or prompted in any other way.

She no longer always falls into the receiving parent. She will now, sometimes, keep walking upright until she hits her shins on your legs and will just lean on your chest or shoulders.

She can go farther and take more steps.

Her balance is better.

So, no truly independent walking for Christmas (I was hoping that would be my present this year), but she is so damn close. Her PT thinks that she could be doing it within the month. She says that Ella still needs to learn how to get herself down more carefully (by bending her knees instead of just falling with straight legs onto her butt). She probably won't want to walk independently without having that skill so that she can stop walking at anytime without falling and hurting herself.

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