Sunday, December 30, 2007

a first, and a few more

The first: A bloody nose! Ella was crawling on the kitchen floor and took too wide a stance with her arms, slipped, and did a face plant into the floor. Fierce crying ensued and just a tiny brief stream of blood came out of one nostril. Needless to say, after much cuddling on the couch and a bottle of milk she was just fine.

The "few more" refer to more signs that Ella is using. She has been signing "more" for some time now. Recently she has added the signs for "finished" and "food/eat". Now, her signs, just like a toddler's words, are not exactly formed perfectly. If anyone other than Matt and I saw them they probably would not realize what she was trying to say, just like most parents are the only ones to understand most of their 18 month old's speech.
She makes the sign for food by bringing the back of her hand, instead of her fingers, up to her mouth.
Her "finished" mostly consists of her throwing her hands behind her back. However, once I have seen her start with her hands together before throwing them apart, which is more like what the sign should really be.

I think that we will start working on the signs for book, play, and mommy and daddy.

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