Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Annual Cardiologist Visit

Brief review of last years meeting: Ella's Patent Ductus Arteriosis is small but still open. It will not close by itself. It has caused no harm to the heart yet, and Ella has no symptoms. She will eventually need a cathaterization (as opposed to the more invasive surgery) to close it. The procedure will include anesthesia but it is done out patient style.

Today's meeting: PDA still open. No damage to lungs. Left ventricle of heart is starting to enlarge. The enlargement is minimal and is not causing any damage. We are being referred to the doctor who does the actual cathaterization procedure, but are told that there is no big hurry. The new doc will look at Ella's info and make a recomendation as to when she will have the procedure. He may say do it soon, he may say wait and year and see what happens.

notes on the actual details of trip to the doc's office: Ella is grunting and groaning in the waiting room. I check her diaper and it is clean. When asked if she wants to go the the potty, she says yes. In the bathroom there is more grunting and groaning but no action and she says she is done. Once out in the waiting room again, she immediately fills the diaper. So, back to the bathroom for a full diaper change.
Also, this year she HATED the EKG test. Screamed and cried through most of it. Last year the EKG was easy and problem free, and the ecocardiogram was difficult for her. However, she had little to no problem with the ecocardiogram today. Strange.

So, now I make another doctor's appointment and we see what this one has to say.

1 comment:

-erich- said...

Our son also wouldn't fill the used diaper from the night, but 5 to 10 minutes after he's got a fresh one ... finish! Why not, we adults prefer a clean bathroom too 8-)