Thursday, June 11, 2009


Since mid-March Ella has been attending a MINC-T (mixed intense needs class-toddler) in a local elementary school. She has done very well and made lots of progress. So, she is being moved up for next school year. Beginning in September she will be in a 3 year old preschool class (as opposed to a MINC-Preschool). It is still a special ed class (half of the students are in the special ed program and half of the class, called peers, are paying "normally progressed" students), but the children in it have less intense delays or disabilities than in the MINC.

I am very happy that she has made so much progress that they want to move her up to a "better" class, but I am sad for her at the same time because none of the kids who are in her class now will be going with her. Given how social she is, I am sure that she will love the new class just as much as she loves her current one.

Also, she is attending a summer session of classes (called ESY: extended school year) so that she won't lose any of her skills over the long break.

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