Tuesday, December 2, 2008

helpfull child

Today I was holding a pair of my socks in preparation for getting on the treadmill after Ella went down for a nap. When Ella saw them in my hands she showed interest in holding them, so I gave them to her. Then the phone rang and I got side tracked for a few minutes. Then the time comes for me to take Ella for a diaper change, etc. before bedtime and I notice that she no longer has my socks. I walk around the kitchen and living room looking for them to no avail. So, I give up and go to put her down for her nap. When I am done and Ella is quiet, I take another look around for the socks. In the kitchen, I get a sudden flash of an idea and decide to look in the trash can. There they are, in the kitchen trash.

I have been teaching Ella to do little things to help out lately. Having her put her laundry in the drawer, putting her dirty dishes on the counter, carrying her milk to the table at meal time, and occasionally throwing trash in the trash can.

I wonder if it is time to bleach my socks.

1 comment:

Beth Coll Anderson said...

That is too cute!!! (tell Ella she can come over and help me clean up anytime)

:D :D :D