Saturday, December 20, 2008

reading books

I have discovered that many parents dislike reading to their children. I understand that the repetition of reading the same books over and over, day in and day out can get a bit annoying. But, I am very thankful that I don't fall into that parental category.
Now, there are times that my love of reading to Ella fails me (like the other day when she wouldn't take a nap and discovered that her new favorite toy was a bell that she rang almost constantly). But for the most part I am happy to read many books in one sitting (even the same one more than once), with her snuggling in my lap for up to 45 minutes at a stretch. Ella is, however, lacking one of the more annoying traits that many toddlers exhibit during book time: constant interjection. She does not ask me to spell our words, or threaten to tattle to her father if I skip a page (accidentally, of course), or insist that she read the story to me. Now, she does like to sign along when she sees a picture or hears a word that she knows the sign for, but that isn't quite the same as interrupting. I suppose that this trait will surface when she learns to talk, but until then, I will keep on reading with joy.

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