Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Feeling left out, but in a good way

I currently know 5 women who are pregnant. I also know one woman who recently gave birth, and one other woman who is trying very hard to get pregnant.

I have been wondering since my daughter was born if I wanted a second child (before I had her, I had always thought I would have one child and maybe two, but no more than that). Many different issues have been considered: will it be fair to her for her to be an only child, cost, life changes and stress. And, since she is now a "high needs" child, I also wondered if I could give her the attention she needs with another sibling to take care of.

I know that my decision is a personal one and some of you may be wondering why I would write a post about it. I did this to send a message. It IS a personal decision which means that those of you out there who feel the need to voice your opinions about what my family should do need to think before you speak. I don't want to hear about how lonely you were as an only child ( my brother is 7 years older than me so I have a fairly good idea about what it feels like to be an only child) in an attempt to guilt me into having another baby. I also don't need your theories about how it would be better for Ella to have a "normal" brother or sister to motivate her (are you serious!?!)

I would never think of saying to one of my pregnant friends, "what are you thinking, having a second child?" And no one ever does this (not that I have seen) because it is considered normal to have more than one child. Well, I was always happy being the weird girl, the "odd one out", and I must say that I plan to continue doing things my own way.

1 comment:

Beth Coll Anderson said...

It's a personal decision that only you can answer. It's amazing that people would question your decision in a way that makes you feel like you were doing the wrong thing. There is something about childrearing that makes people feel like it is appropriate to tell you what you should and shouldn't do.

Incidentally, we are thinking about the same think for Ben.