Saturday, February 23, 2008

the 3 day experiment

One of the many issues surrounding Ella's learning disability is her resistance to making certain changes.

Up until 4 days ago, she was still drinking 3 6oz. bottles of milk a day. She would not consistently drink any large amounts from a sippy cup and that made we wary of trying to "force" her to quit the bottles all together.

So I decided to try an experiment. For 3 days I would only give her fluids in a sippy cup. I would try additional tactics to get her to drink from them, but no bottles. I offered her a sippy of milk at every meal, and numerous times during the day when she requests that I read to her (which is VERY often, she LOVES to be read to), and whenever we went for a walk and she was in the stroller.

I figured that, if she didn't drink enough, that 3 days of minimal calcium intake would not damage her in any way (she does eat plenty of cheese and yogurt so it wasn't like she wouldn't be getting any!) So, if she didn't get with the program by the end of the 3 days, I would just go back to the bottles for awhile and try it again later.

Well, I am happy to say that it worked. I have spent a lot of time with her on my lap, reading books because it takes her longer to drink the same amount from a sippy than it does from a bottle. But it still worked!

And, now I am selling the bottles on craig's list. One first for Ella, one first for Mama!

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