Thursday, October 4, 2007

oh, how things will change

I just find it amusing, the little changes that occur in Ella's schedule.
For the longest time she was waking at 7am. Then, about 2 weeks ago, she begins waking at 6:30am. Mind you, at 6:30 the sun is not yet up, and this little change caused me great pains at first. It always takes me awhile to adjust to waking up in the dark.

So, the last 2 days she has woken up even earlier, but I have waited to see if she would fall back to sleep. I guess I just have a mental block about getting out of bed earlier than 6am. Plus, I knew that if she woke up that early, her nap would be early, and everything would get screwy. So, yesterday she did fall back to sleep and then slept until 7:30. WOW, I can't tell you how nice that was.

Today, however, is a bit different. She woke up at 5:40 and I was determined not to get up unless she started screaming bloody murder. I listened to her babble to herself off and on for almost an hour before she fell back to sleep. So, now it is 8:30 am and she is still asleep! I woke up at 8 in complete shock that I had slept that late. I don't think I have slept that late since before she was born! I know that she is OK because I can hear her breathing on the monitor if I turn it up really loud, but I was a bit scared for a minute that something was really wrong.

Oh well. Adventures in parenting.

She is awake now, gotta go.

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