Monday, October 15, 2007

I'm tired

I am tired of people telling me that she will catch up in her own time.

I am tired of people telling me that I should be grateful that she isn't walking yet because I don't have to work as hard. (as if! these people have never had to give physical therapy to an infant)

I am tired of people warning me that this behavior or that behavior might mean "something serious might be going on", and that I should talk to her doctor. (although I had one woman tell me once that if something serious were wrong, the doctor would have told me by now: completely untrue!)

I am tired of people telling me that they are sure that everything will be fine. (really, are you psychic?)

I don't need advice, fake envy, or false promises. I need you to realize that I love my daughter and I accept the way she is (now and in the undetermined future), even if you can't.

I admit that I was crazy worried when we realized that she was so far behind. However, I am much more at peace with the situation. I still have worries, but they are much smaller and much less consuming than at the beginning. She is the way she is and there is nothing wrong with that. Even if she ends up diagnosed with some kind of medical condition, she is still perfect the way she is. I will not love her any less than I would if she were "normal".

The things that people say to me seem to speak to a general fear of things outside the norm. These people, by the way, come at me from the line in the supermarket, the other moms at the playground; most of them are complete strangers! You know how people are with babies. "Oh, she is so old is she?" Then comes the statement of age (now almost 15 months) and they realize that she isn't talking and she isn't walking. That is when "it" starts. I should just lie and say that she is 11 months but big for her age.

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