Monday, July 16, 2007

gross motor delays

Ella had her evaluation with the physical therapist today.

She (the PT) said that Ella is at about a 5-6 month level in her development. Ella also can do some things that a 10 month old can do, so there are some pretty big gaps. The good news is that she is strong enough to do many of the things she should be doing SO that means it is only a matter of teaching her how to do them. According to the PT, most kids take a while to catch up to where they belong because they have to work on strength AND learning the movements. So (now, Matt heard her say this when I was dealing with a fussy/loud baby and I didn't hear it), supposedly she can "catch up" to where she belongs in 6 weeks or so. That prediction sounds amazing to me and, quite frankly I will be supremely happy if she catches up in twice that amount of time.

I am just happy that we know what we are supposed to do now in terms of exercises and activities to help her. I am also happy to know that no one is worried that she won't catch up or that something more serious is wrong with her. She does have quite a large delay in the gross motor area, but she is already making some progress and we are waiting for even greater things to happen soon.

I will try to keep updating whenever she does something huge like roll over without help (that will probably be the first big one).

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