Sunday, July 29, 2007

status of delays

We had the big meeting with Ella's "team" from the infants and toddlers early intervention program. It turns out that she is about 50% delayed in gross motor, and about 25% delayed in many other areas including communication, social development, etc. The only place she seems to be right on is in small motor skills.

Interesting issue: The "team" uses a standard testing model to rate her level of performance on all these levels. One big issue that Matt, I, and the team have is that this test, like most tests, has problems. Ella's three big areas of concern (other than the gross motor) at this time are the fact that she doesn't imitate (at least not that much), she does not follow commands (at least not common ones like "give mommy the toy"....she will turn the pages of a book when you ask her, and she will "find" your nose if you ask her to), and she doesn't understand the meaning of "No". Each of these "issues" takes points off in multiple catagories. Meaning that, because she doesn't follow commands she gets points off in communication, cognitive, and social catagories. Somehow this just doesn't seem fair. At the very least, I can be happy that everyone involved in her care is aware of this and realizes that her labels of % delays don't mean much when you understand the finer points.

Also, one type of delay leads to others. Meaning: She does not understand the meaning of "No" because I never have to use it with her. Most parents begin to use "No" when their child can crawl around and get into things that they shouldn't (like pulling the cat's tail, climbing up on somthing you know is unstable, etc.). Since Ella has a big gross motor delay, it stands to reason that I haven't had much opportunity to use "No" and so she hasn't had much opportunity to learn what it means.

The plan: We will meet with the PT every week for about 6 weeks, and then less frequently after that. We will meet with the OT about 4 times over the next 6 months (for help with eating and drinking skills). Finally, we will meet with the special educator once a month for 6 months to work on communication skills. After 6 months the whole plan gets reviewed at another sit down meeting and we figure out what to do from there.

I am feeling very good about this whole thing and I am very glad to have some support and help dealing with her out of the ordinary needs. I am much less stressed out and mental than I was just a few weeks ago.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

burnin off some of my brain

OK, today is one of those days where I just feel like crying all the time. I guess that it the stress from all the extra work and goings on lately, coupled with Ella's lack of sleep. I suppose all the goings on are affecting her, too.

Sometimes I just feel like I can't do anything right. I feel like I don't do enough of something (spending quality time with Ella) and to much of something else (watching TV). Then I just feel guilty and horrible and I either downward spiral into crying and depression, or I make all these great plans of what I am going to change (usually this involves a lot of list writing and little actual action on my part).

Perfect example: When I felt myself losing my shit this evening I promised myself that I would spend some time meditating to calm myself down (and hopefully prevent all that depression, etc.). Instead I am writing in my blog.

Does this count as therapy?

Monday, July 16, 2007

gross motor delays

Ella had her evaluation with the physical therapist today.

She (the PT) said that Ella is at about a 5-6 month level in her development. Ella also can do some things that a 10 month old can do, so there are some pretty big gaps. The good news is that she is strong enough to do many of the things she should be doing SO that means it is only a matter of teaching her how to do them. According to the PT, most kids take a while to catch up to where they belong because they have to work on strength AND learning the movements. So (now, Matt heard her say this when I was dealing with a fussy/loud baby and I didn't hear it), supposedly she can "catch up" to where she belongs in 6 weeks or so. That prediction sounds amazing to me and, quite frankly I will be supremely happy if she catches up in twice that amount of time.

I am just happy that we know what we are supposed to do now in terms of exercises and activities to help her. I am also happy to know that no one is worried that she won't catch up or that something more serious is wrong with her. She does have quite a large delay in the gross motor area, but she is already making some progress and we are waiting for even greater things to happen soon.

I will try to keep updating whenever she does something huge like roll over without help (that will probably be the first big one).

Friday, July 13, 2007

hectic, hectic, hectic

Tomorrow is Ella's 1st birthday party and I am so busy cleaning the house and cooking party food! On top of all that, she had the first part of her evaluation (by the early intervention program run by the board of ed) this morning. The rest of her evaluation takes place on Monday.

There is so much stuff going on in my head right now that I can't keep it all straight. I can't wait until Monday afternoon when I can take a nice deep breath and relax.