Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Speech Therapy

Ella has made some improvements in her speech and communication, but not as much progress as we would like. So, we are taking her to individual speech therapy outside of the school environment. She has her assessment tomorrow.

Ella now says "mama", "dada", "nana"(for my mother), "da-oo" (for my father) and has some other word approximations like "og-og" for frog. She also does a few other verbal things to communicate like making a mooing sound for a cow and panting to signify a dog.

We are hoping to find a therapist who will use PROMPT therapy with Ella. PROMPT is a style of therapy where the therapist touches the child in a certain way for each sound that is meant to be made. For example, to make an "M" sound the therapist would press the child's lips together lightly and make the sound. There is some indication that this type of therapy is particularly helpful for children with Ella's disability.

Hope that it goes well tomorrow and that I don't flake out and forget to write another post about how it goes!

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