Thursday, March 27, 2008

more signs

First of all, let me apologize for not writing in awhile. Ella was sick, then I was sick, and now she is teething and not sleeping a whole lot.

So, if you read Matt's blog you know that her walking has improved to a point where she will walk a few feet from one stationary object to another with no problems. Example, she will walk from the couch to the music table we have in the center of the living room. Still no stopping and balancing, and still no sitting down in a controlled manner. But we are working on both of those.

I have been much more diligent in the sign language department lately, and she almost has 4 new signs. I say "almost" because she either doesn't do the sign consistently, or because she only does it if you help her out a little bit. These new signs are cracker, milk, book, and open.

I also recommend the "Signing Times" videos for anyone who wants to teach their child to sign. I was skeptical as to how much they would really help because just watching someone else do a sign doesn't do anything for Ella. You have to physically make her do a sign multiple times before she comes close to getting it. But the videos are entertaining, and give you lots of time between new signs so that you have time to do the signs hand over hand multiple times before a new one comes up.

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