Tuesday, September 4, 2007

a new picture

I feel bad for sending people back over a month to find a picture of Ella, so I decided to add another. The problem is that it is not a recent pic. This was taken when she was 11 months old. She is standing on our sofa, facing backwards. She loves this position because she can look out the window, and pet any cats that happen to be sleeping on the back of the couch.

Update on the PT front: She is great at going from sitting to kneeling. She is not crawling yet, but we are at least now able to really work on it because she is tolerant of being on her hands and knees at the same time. She used to hate it, and would push her legs out straight at the first opportunity. She is also really interested in moving around in a crawling fashion because she can explore many things in a short period of time. She is generally much more interested in moving about and I hope to be announcing some big breakthroughs very soon.

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