Sunday, August 26, 2007


Ella is receiving some help, not only from a PT, but also from an OT (occupational therapist). This is because of her tendency, at the time of her evaluation, to vomit when offered foods of varying texture that needed to be chewed.

She no longer seems to have this problem. In fact, she has become quite the adventurous eater.

This past Thursday, the OT came for a visit. She proclaimed that Ella seemed to be doing much better. She was elated at her use of a cup to drink from, and marvelled at her chewing style. She suggested to me that Ella could try eating small cuts of meat, fish, etc. (ie. not pureed).

On Friday, Ella ate small cut up pieces of chicken. Multiple pieces, picked up off the table by her own fingers! And, to top that off, when we went out to dinner with her tonight she ate one piece of broccoli, multiple small scoops of mashed potatoes (normally she doesn't like them), some cheese and spinach mixed together, and a few pieces of chicken off Matt's plate.

I am truely amazed.

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