Sunday, August 26, 2007


Ella is receiving some help, not only from a PT, but also from an OT (occupational therapist). This is because of her tendency, at the time of her evaluation, to vomit when offered foods of varying texture that needed to be chewed.

She no longer seems to have this problem. In fact, she has become quite the adventurous eater.

This past Thursday, the OT came for a visit. She proclaimed that Ella seemed to be doing much better. She was elated at her use of a cup to drink from, and marvelled at her chewing style. She suggested to me that Ella could try eating small cuts of meat, fish, etc. (ie. not pureed).

On Friday, Ella ate small cut up pieces of chicken. Multiple pieces, picked up off the table by her own fingers! And, to top that off, when we went out to dinner with her tonight she ate one piece of broccoli, multiple small scoops of mashed potatoes (normally she doesn't like them), some cheese and spinach mixed together, and a few pieces of chicken off Matt's plate.

I am truely amazed.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

misc. news

Lisa gave birth to baby Ben Fersch yesterday morning. Horray and Congratulations!

Why is it that when some of their teeth come in, it hardly affects their mood? Then, other times, they are a holy terror for over a week and are unbearable without a little Tylenol in their systems! I think that you can guess which phase we are experiencing right now.

what a name is in...sounds like

Umbrella....uh...this one is fine the way it is
Mortadella (type of sausage)...also ok

Monday, August 6, 2007

not something you see often...if ever

I wish I had my camera with me this morning.

Ella and I went for a walk around the lake and saw a most unusual sight.

A man was, wrong verb...his dog. At any rate, the dog was walking. The dog's owner was riding a unicycle.

How we love the swings!

This was taken in June.
Ella loves the swings and when we follow one of our usual walking trails, we always pass the swings and she gets excited and coos loudly to get my attention to let me know that she wants to get on.
It is ashame that it is so terribly hot and humid these days. I don't like walking with her in this weather so she has missed out on quite a few chances at the swings.

Thursday, August 2, 2007


She rolled over from her tummy to her back 2xs this morning!
I knew that the time was coming. She has practically been doing it by herself for almost a week, but she has always needed me to move her arm to get her started.
This morning she did it without me even touching her!

She has also been balancing herself on her knees without having to touch anything to hold her steady. This seems like a small victory too, but she can't actually get herself onto her knees by herself. I have to get her there, but then I can leave her without having to worry that she will fall over. It is so cute to watch her on her knees, playing with a toy and totally oblivious of anything else.