Tuesday, August 25, 2009


Ella's latest thing is to tickle people from a distance. I think that it started out as a made up sign (she communicates using sign language, for those of you who haven't been paying attention), but it has turned into an amusing game. This is how it is played: Ella holds out her arm in your direction and wiggles her fingers at you as though she is tickling you. You, in turn, laugh and squirm as though you are really being tickled. Ella also laughs, repeats said tickle motions, and monotony ensues.
But here is the really cute and funny part. She tries to tickle everything. And she is not dissuaded by non action on the part of the receiver. For example, she continually tries to long distance tickle the cats with, of course, no affect what so ever. I just tell her that cats aren't ticklish.
I have also caught her trying to tickle stuffed animals, my computer, the box of Cheerios on top of the refrigerator, and various toys.
Tonight, as we were leaving a restaurant after dark, I pointed out the beautiful crescent moon to her. She stopped and stared at it for a little while, pointing at its location in the sky. She turned back toward the car, took a few steps, then stopped and turned to face the moon again. She slowly lifted her arm up and tried to tickle the moon.

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