Monday, June 18, 2007

nurses, doctors, and pharmasists, OH MY!

Today I went to the doctor and he told me that I can have some tests to make sure, but that I am probably, basically, screwed.

Brief background: I have had pelvic pain off and on since I was a teenager. Previously diagnosed with endometriosis but some symptoms don't fit. Endo cannot be definitively diagnosed without a laproscopic surgery, which I did not have. So, now that I have gotten my period back after having Ella, the pain is SO bad and is directly associated with my period only.

Doc says, I don't feel anything in the exam (no cysts on ovaries, etc.) Doc says, get a sonogram to rule out other problems. However, if sono is clear than I either have endometriosis or dysmenorhea (painful periods). I have not thoroughly discussed this with him, but I believe the answer to both issues is "go on the pill forever" (or at least until I hit menopause).


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