Wednesday, July 29, 2009

summer school is almost over

Ella only has one more day of summer school. Then she and I have 5 weeks of uninterrupted together time. My immediate thought is: Holy Cow, what am I going to do with her for 5 weeks!?!
It was only 5 months ago that Ella even started going to school. Before that she and I were together all day, every weekday. How quickly we get used to a new routine. How attached I get to my little bit of alone time. OK, I don't really spend much of it alone, unless you count running errands at Target and Giant, or working out at the gym "alone time". Most of the time she is in school I spend doing things that are easier done without her around like running those errands, or vacuuming the house (she doesn't like the sound of the vacuum). Yesterday I spent most of my time at the dentist and working out. Today I had to take two of the cats to their annual Veterinarian visit. I guess I should be more worried about how to get things done when she is out of school than about relaxing and having some fun by myself.
So, this is my plan. Every morning we get out of the house for a few hours. We run no more than one errand at a time, and then we get to go to the playground or to the pool. One or two days a week I will take her to the gym so that I can still try to work out and shed some of my love of chocolate off of my stomach. One day a week we will try to do something out of the ordinary like going to the science center in Baltimore. We will always try to be home by nap time and the hour or two after nap but before dinner will mostly be spent running around the back yard (her new favorite past time). We both need variety. I need it to make the time pass more quickly, and she needs it because she gets so much variety of activity in school.
I have my plan. Now I just need to pray that she doesn't decide to drop her nap on me before she starts school again in September.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Isn't it funny

I find it very amusing that Ella behaves differently when at school than when she is at home. For example: she will not eat a sandwich at home. Even if I cut it up exactly as the assistant has told me she does it for her at school.
Also, her teachers are always exclaiming to me how pleasant Ella is. She never gets angry, throws tantrums, or cries. "No," I always say, "she saves all the tantrums for me, at home." At least I am lucky that about 90% of her tantrums are at the house. The other 10% are usually at the grocery store.

As a side note. She has a new food. She now likes grilled cheese sandwiches. She won't eat one at home....but she will eat one at school!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Annual Cardiologist Visit

Brief review of last years meeting: Ella's Patent Ductus Arteriosis is small but still open. It will not close by itself. It has caused no harm to the heart yet, and Ella has no symptoms. She will eventually need a cathaterization (as opposed to the more invasive surgery) to close it. The procedure will include anesthesia but it is done out patient style.

Today's meeting: PDA still open. No damage to lungs. Left ventricle of heart is starting to enlarge. The enlargement is minimal and is not causing any damage. We are being referred to the doctor who does the actual cathaterization procedure, but are told that there is no big hurry. The new doc will look at Ella's info and make a recomendation as to when she will have the procedure. He may say do it soon, he may say wait and year and see what happens.

notes on the actual details of trip to the doc's office: Ella is grunting and groaning in the waiting room. I check her diaper and it is clean. When asked if she wants to go the the potty, she says yes. In the bathroom there is more grunting and groaning but no action and she says she is done. Once out in the waiting room again, she immediately fills the diaper. So, back to the bathroom for a full diaper change.
Also, this year she HATED the EKG test. Screamed and cried through most of it. Last year the EKG was easy and problem free, and the ecocardiogram was difficult for her. However, she had little to no problem with the ecocardiogram today. Strange.

So, now I make another doctor's appointment and we see what this one has to say.