Wednesday, February 27, 2008

more walking updates

She will now walk, going from parent to parent, as far at 17 steps/9 feet.

We have to do this in the hallway of our house because that is the only space long enough.

She will occasionally, and more often than before, let go of a hand early and walk the last few steps to get to an object (usually the keyboard or the couch). She will also, more rarely than the former, let go of something and walk a few steps to get to a person.

She also has better control of her walk. She can slow down, speed up, make small changes in direction, and can correct minor problems with balance. When she gets to a person she no longer falls into them but lightly takes and hand.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

the 3 day experiment

One of the many issues surrounding Ella's learning disability is her resistance to making certain changes.

Up until 4 days ago, she was still drinking 3 6oz. bottles of milk a day. She would not consistently drink any large amounts from a sippy cup and that made we wary of trying to "force" her to quit the bottles all together.

So I decided to try an experiment. For 3 days I would only give her fluids in a sippy cup. I would try additional tactics to get her to drink from them, but no bottles. I offered her a sippy of milk at every meal, and numerous times during the day when she requests that I read to her (which is VERY often, she LOVES to be read to), and whenever we went for a walk and she was in the stroller.

I figured that, if she didn't drink enough, that 3 days of minimal calcium intake would not damage her in any way (she does eat plenty of cheese and yogurt so it wasn't like she wouldn't be getting any!) So, if she didn't get with the program by the end of the 3 days, I would just go back to the bottles for awhile and try it again later.

Well, I am happy to say that it worked. I have spent a lot of time with her on my lap, reading books because it takes her longer to drink the same amount from a sippy than it does from a bottle. But it still worked!

And, now I am selling the bottles on craig's list. One first for Ella, one first for Mama!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

test or torture?

Today was Ella's hearing test.

Since she still isn't talking, it was decided to get her hearing tested just to make sure that a hearing problem wasn't contributing to her other issues. Ella has a fantastic receptive vocabulary for a non-talking child, so we thought that she probably didn't have any major hearing problems, but it is better to cover all the bases.

So, Ella and I are sitting in a sound proof room and they are pumping different sounds into different areas of the room and then lighting up toys as a reward when she turns her head to look for the noise. She didn't make it very long before she started wailing and squirming around. The more we tried to get in a few more tones/sounds the worse she got.

Now, I have to admit that sitting in a sound proof room is a bit creepy. I think I would have started crying if I was a toddler, too.

Next, we sit in an office (not sound proof) and they use a machine to, what they called, take a picture of her middle ear/ear drum. Of course, this involves putting something into her ears. Not a good idea. I ended up having to "bear hug" my daughter (restrain her by hugging her tightly with her arms pinned up against her sides) while an assistant held her head as still as she could so that the audiologist could hold this wand in her ear for at least 3 seconds. Mind you, they had to test both ears. Ella was screaming bloody murder and I was trying to calm her down by singing "Row, Row, Row Your Boat" in her free ear.

Needless to say, they didn't get enough testing in to pass her with flying colors. So, we have another appointment to go back in 2 weeks. I do believe that we will only have to be in the booth again, and not have to deal with the ear drum picture thingy because they said that that test came out "within normal ranges".

All in all, this was worse than when she got 3 shots in one day at the doctors. So, I say (dripping with sarcasm) that I can't wait to go back!

Really, it wasn't all that stressfull for me. I just felt sorry for Ella. I guess all her crying was easier for me to handle because I knew that I wasn't the cause of it.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Feeling left out, but in a good way

I currently know 5 women who are pregnant. I also know one woman who recently gave birth, and one other woman who is trying very hard to get pregnant.

I have been wondering since my daughter was born if I wanted a second child (before I had her, I had always thought I would have one child and maybe two, but no more than that). Many different issues have been considered: will it be fair to her for her to be an only child, cost, life changes and stress. And, since she is now a "high needs" child, I also wondered if I could give her the attention she needs with another sibling to take care of.

I know that my decision is a personal one and some of you may be wondering why I would write a post about it. I did this to send a message. It IS a personal decision which means that those of you out there who feel the need to voice your opinions about what my family should do need to think before you speak. I don't want to hear about how lonely you were as an only child ( my brother is 7 years older than me so I have a fairly good idea about what it feels like to be an only child) in an attempt to guilt me into having another baby. I also don't need your theories about how it would be better for Ella to have a "normal" brother or sister to motivate her (are you serious!?!)

I would never think of saying to one of my pregnant friends, "what are you thinking, having a second child?" And no one ever does this (not that I have seen) because it is considered normal to have more than one child. Well, I was always happy being the weird girl, the "odd one out", and I must say that I plan to continue doing things my own way.

how do I do that?

OK, Matt and I have decided to keep Ella as an only child.

So, it is now time to figure out what to do with all that old baby stuff. The clothes will mostly be passed on to my new niece (I will probably keep one of those tie dyed outfits that were made at my baby shower for nostalgia). But how do I get rid of the big stuff like the baby swing, co-sleeper, breast pump, etc. I would be happy to take any suggestions. I have never sold anything online and if that is a good way to go, I am happy to get any advice you readers can give. I am sure my parents will be happy as well, since I am now storing most of this stuff in their basement (we don't have a basement OR an attic).

Saturday, February 16, 2008

insane or creative?

The other day I found myself making up nonsense words that rhymed with "cheese". I also made up a song about cheese to the tune of "Camptown Races".

All of this was done to make eating more entertaining for her. But I think that I was keeping myself from getting bored, too.

Cheezy peezy maneezy, anyone?